Wednesday, July 1, 2009

BlackTie MR5 Released

Hi All,

We are very pleased to announce the availability of BlackTie MR5. This release represents a significant shift forward for the project as it introduces a significant new feature set:
1. JMS/Stomp based transport - Using a message broker allows XATMI services to be easily clustered and secured using standard JMS security
2. Cross platform transaction support - Transactions started in a Java JAB client or the application server can now span seamlessly to the C XATMI services
Alongside these breakthroughs in functionality we have also taken the opportunity to resolve several stability issues resulting in hopefully the greatest step forwards for BlackTie so far.

In terms of MR6, you can check our progress using Jira, which can be found at:
We hope to concentrate on the following features for MR6:
1. Administration capabilities
2. A hybrid transport
3. Stability tuning

You can download the release and check the release notes at:

The BlackTie Team

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