Thursday, April 1, 2010

BlackTie 2.0.0.M3 Released

Greeting BlackTie-fans,

It is with great pleasure that the team can formally announce the availability of the BlackTie 2.0.0.M3 release of the project. This release has focussed primarily on usability aids such as:

  1. The new btadmin command line tool

  2. Renaming Environment.xml files to btconfig.xml to make them more recognisable when deployed in JBoss

  3. More metrics added to our administration gui

  4. Supports reconnect to the application server if the application server is killed

  5. Allows security configuration to be specified at the service level

As always, you can check the full release notes here.

Definitely one of the coolest features we added is the btadmin command line tool. Although the article is a placeholder at the moment you can check out the documentation here.

If you are new to the project you may want to head to our quickstart guide on deploying blacktie in under 2 minutes. Within that two minutes you should also have been able to run all the samples!

Hope you enjoy this release, any problems please feel free to comment on our forums:
